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Cushzilla PetWigs: Who we are and some "Q & A"
Who is Cushzilla Pet Wigs?

Cushzilla is a goofy brand of cat wigs and stuff created by the people who bring you Artisan Socks, which is why, if you call our 1.888.347.6257 number, we'll answer it with "Hello, Artisan Socks, how may I help you?".
If you'd like to ask about kigurumi, the Japanese costume pajamas that used to be sold from this site, please see our note here.
What is Cushzilla?
Pet wigs made by a place that does high quality wigs for humans. We carry our own brand of cat wigs and dog wigs in two sizes, made with ear holes and careful attention detail, and handmade in Japan cat and dog costumes and cat neckties made by one of the only Cat couturier in the world, Ms. Takako
Where is Cushzilla?
Everywhere! Oh, Specifically? Our offices and warehouse and photographers and web developers and customer service staff are here in a city called Torrance in Southern California. Specifically, in a charming little area called "Old Torrance"; a neighborhood filled with wonderful shops and beauty salons that let us take dogs dressed in wigs and costumes inside their businesses during business hours for photo shoots.
We're exclusively an on-line shop, but if you make an appointment, we'll gladly sit you in our fabulous and artsy lobby and show you cat wigs and dog costumes and women's socks if you'd like to check before you buy and are in the area.
The cute cat & dog costumes are handmade / special made in Japan by a cat costumer designer; Cat Prin, and we carry them here in our inventory. The Cushzilla pet wigs are here too, imported specially for you, by us.

Because your pet's 'do is all nappy, that's why. Or maybe not.
The pet wigs and costumes are for special photo-op days like pet portrait day, birthdays, Halloween, non-lame family X-mas cards, and parades to name a few. And, well, mostly because it's funny. Seriously, stupidly, achingly fun, and a great way for all of us here to have an excuse to play with our pets and animals during work hours.
How (do I)?
Contact Cushzilla?
Put a wig or costume on a cat?
Become a Cushzilla Model?
Have a special lot of wigs made in a color not on your site?
Buy Cat or Dog Wigs?
Buy Cat or Dog Costumes?
Become a reseller?
Submit an "Awesome Family Portrait"?
Follow Cushzilla on Facebook?
Follow Cushzilla Pet Wigs on Instagram?
Follow Cushzilla Pet Wigs on Twitter?
Get you to take a photo of our rescue dog?
Get you to take a funny photo of my pet?
Q & A
Q1. Why are these so expensive??
A1. Setting aside for a moment the fact that these are about as far from a "necessity" as things come and complaining about the price of a cat wig or handmade "Hairy" wizard dog costume is the epitome of "First World Problems", the costumes are designed and handmade by a wonderful woman in Japan. Kitty Couture baby!!
We found and negotiated with a specialty wig manufacturer who makes high quality wigs so we could get these mini masterpieces with charming little ear holes in them. Both lines are quality and made well which is totes important because well made stuff looks better and holds up better too. And if we're going to go full-metal derp, we're going to do it quality. We have standards you know.

Q1a. But I can make these myself!!
A1a. That's not really a question, but thanks for sharing!
Do you want to? Do you really REALLY want to?
If you want to and your stuff is quality and you want us to sell it, we want it! For real, we will use the interwebs to sell your stuff if you can actually devote the time to making it.
And that's what America's all about!
But we bet that if you go to all the trouble it takes to make these, we'll probably end up having to resell them for about the same prices we're selling our current line-up for.
Unless, of course, you're a 9 year-old from a third-world country with very nimble little fingers who works for 30 cents a day. If you are, congratulations on understanding English well enough to read this web page and on your amazing internet connection, and I personally apologize for being a nation of people who are willing to spend your family's monthly income on something like a cat wig.

A1b. Please don't yell at us, we bruise like a peach. See the answers above. If someone in this country wants to make HANDMADE dog and cat clothes we REALLY WANT TO sell them. So far, our friends in Japan are the only ones to meet our expectations for dog and cat costumery! Sorry, but they build cat costumes like they do electronics, and picky kitty is picky. If you aren't one of the several Etsy cat Couture designers we contacted who already turned us down saying you just couldn't produce enough for us to resell, and you want us to carry your line and are a stable cat and or dog costume producer please contact us.

Q2. Isn't this cruel?
A2. Have you ever thrown paint on an expensive fur?
Did you then realize that it was your cat?
If your answer is "No", we'll answer your question here.
If your answer was "Yes", please go sit in the corner and think about what you have done.
Some dogs really really hate wigs and costumes. Some cats really really hate wigs and costumes. Some cats and dogs are old, infirm, tender, or wounded and should NEVER be forced to wear a wig or a costume.
Forcing them to wear this stuff under those conditions is fairly to extremely cruel AND SHOULD NOT BE DONE. Don't do it, we don't want to make money on that, this should be at least marginally fun for ALL involved, if it's not, take a pass on it please.
Many dogs, however, don't really mind the costumes and wigs and since they get praised and treats and attention from everyone around them for wearing them and actually kind of dig the whole scene or at least seem to think it's a fair trade for the treats and attention that follows.
If they're used to wearing collars, the neckties don't seem to bother them at all and have the added bonus of making them look like little Sirs walking around your house. (Seriously, this is awesome.) The cat costumes are a little trickier, and will depend on your cat. After a few test try-ons, we found that our cats got used to the costumes and would kind of just sit there doing kitty stuff in them. The first time, however, it went about as smoothly as you'd expect.
As for the wigs, I'm not going to tell you that cats love wigs. Well, they do, but generally only once they've taken them off their little kitty heads and are tossing them around the room like really expensive catnip mice.
However, if you test the wigs on a few times before photo day and make sure the band is fairly loose and the ears properly coming out the ear holes, they seem to end up hating the wigs a lot less than we thought.
They'd still like to chew the ever-loving nylon out of them though, so please keep them safely away from your pets when not in use. SERIOUSLY. They will maul your very expensive impulse buy, you'll be all grumpy AND THAT IS NOT GOOD.

- Cushzilla Pet Wigs & Costumes (Top)
- Totally Looks Like!
Dog and Cat Version. - Cushzilla's Charm School for Pets
- Awesome Pet Family Portraits
- Tips for Cats:
How to Dress Yourself - Cushzilla Model Bio Page
- Rescue Dog and Cat Photo Gallery
- Our Sister Store (for humans): Artisan Socks!
- Old Cushzilla Top Page