- The Times
- The Internets
- The Tube
- Our own minds
- Your inbox
- Obscurity
The superior, intellectual, good-smelling, charismatic, sharply dressed and tasteful sources from whom we've gotten our undeserved 15 minutes of fame!

SQUEEEEE!!!! The Daily Mail. THE Daily Mail!! A publication without which I would know very little about things people judge me harshly for knowing things about!! Here's to you judge-y people; my odd interest in the haircuts of the wives of footballers has PAID OFF IN SPADES.
Cushzilla in the Daily Mail
Daily News
Um, YES. THE NY DAILY NEWS!! Oh sweet happy day! No, seriously, we're in the Daily News!!!!! I don't have enough exclamation points to even cover my excitement about this.
But as much as I adore you, there's a really good chance I won't be reading your top page in any given November. You know. Just because..
Cushzilla in the (NY)Daily News

One of our most favorite sites ever, ThisIsWhyImBroke.com featured our pet wigs here: Cushzilla On ThisIsWhyImBroke.
Their site owner is also a stellar human and we're certain very attractive, extremely fresh and minty smelling, and drives an above average automobile.
One of the best writers and editors we know, Liz Acosta, had the good taste to write a wonderful piece about us on Catster, a publication we would internet marry if we could.
Cushzilla On Catster
Are we a go-to for pet Halloween costumes? YEAH BABY! Does your pet really want to be part of your Halloween plans? No, but neither does your 1 year-old but they'll do it for treats and the photos are priceless.
Cushzilla On About.com

The Netherlands: Linda Magazine
According to Google Translate part of this article says "Itch:
Geinig for a picture, but we know from experience that dress-wigs after a while go huge itch. So quickly dismiss that thing."
Indeed Linda Magazine, INDEED!!
Jitters as Sharon in Holland
Hungary: Blikk.hu
THEY LEAD WITH CAPTAIN JITTERS!! So I love them even more. Also, Google translate gave me this so now this is officially my favorite Hungarian publication EVER;
"Los Angeles - Anyone who has ever tried any cap or hat to keep your dog or cat on his head sustained period of time, really feel respect towards Leah Workman, who produced parókáiban parádéztatja their business models to promote."
Even though I only half-understand that, THEY GAVE ME PROPS! Yay!!
Captain Jitters in Full Glory on Blikk.hu
Romania: adevarul.ro
OMG! They had me at "Rage in accessories for quadrupeds"
I have learned two things today; 1. Reporter Alexandra Nicholas writes a great article. and 2. Google Translate is not adept at translating Romanian into English, but gives a stellar translation nonetheless.
Here's what the translator gave me: "A humorous American has launched a collection of wigs purple, red and pink that sold them, then, for the sum of $ 30 apiece. Ineditele accessories have been specifically designed for dogs and cats and pet owners are thrilled with the way their friends so dumb cooking show."
I am a HUGE dumb cooking show fan, but HOW DID THEY GUESS??
My second favorite line was this; "Dogs seem to tolerate these small extravagances better than cats, Matt is quite hard to persuade to accept accessories, noted designer."
Disclaimer; We know several Matts and only a few are staunchly anti accessories.
Cushzilla in Romanian is AWESOME (Use Google Translate to Translate into English for awesomeness)
Chile: La Cronica
Crean pet wigs online? Yes Google Translate, WE Do! Or Are!
Cushzilla Wigs In Santiago
Indonesia: Tempo.co
Do they adore us in Indonesia? I'm afraid to find out so I'm going to go all Pollyanna on this and not even Google translate here. We love their photo choices though!
Cushzilla in Indonesia
- Cushzilla Pet Wigs & Costumes (Top)
- Totally Looks Like!
Dog and Cat Version. - Cushzilla's Charm School for Pets
- Awesome Pet Family Portraits
- Tips for Cats:
How to Dress Yourself - Cushzilla Model Bio Page
- Rescue Dog and Cat Photo Gallery
- Our Sister Store (for humans): Artisan Socks!
- Old Cushzilla Top Page